Francis Rocco

Forward Deployed Engineer/

Technical Solutions Consultant


Senior Forward Deployed Engineer
March 2017-Present

Integrating the Bluecore ecommerce retail marketing platform, technical account management for enterprise clients, and solutions implementation of technical services.

Languages: Javascript, SQL, Python

what would beyoncé wear?

Brit + Co. says, "allow us to introduce you to our new favorite weather website: What Would Beyoncé Wear"

Tell Bey your zip code and you'll see your temperature and what Queen Bey would wear weather appropriately.


A social book writing platform.

Collaborate on writing a story by adding a snippet to a chapter that can be voted on by other users.
Live Version | Github Repo

Catch Up News Network

"Catch up with the news, catch up with your friends!"

A full featured social network meant to be your news source by article recommendations from friends.
Live Version | Github Repo


A fun single page web app that asks you to confess your feeling and gives you an opposite gif response.

Don't tell watermelon you're sad, though!
Live Version | Github Repo